“The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” -Robert Louis Stevenson
Life is hard. Times can be tough. However, it is in those moments that we need to look around and soak up the things that make us happiest. Our worlds are wonderful and it needs to be captured somehow, whether through song, poetry, photography, etc. For me, it is, and always will be, photography and writing.
Yesterday I babysat the cutest girl ever (yes, I’m extremely biased), my niece. Because of my 365 photo project, I was super excited to do a photo shoot with her. Fortunately yesterday was a beautiful day full of sunshine, which meant we didn’t have to bundle up and we’d be able to stay out longer.
Selah was fresh and lively after an afternoon nap. Her smiles were genuine, and her innocence was pure. Everything lined up perfectly. I was there to document her afternoon and capture her blossoming personality.
Days like this are what bring true happiness. Having images like this are proof of that happiness. When there are days that don’t line up right, we will always have those days to look back on and remind us how truly wonderful our world is.
(These were taken moments after she woke up. She is full of emotion)
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