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Posted by on Nov 8, 2013 in On Set Photography | 0 comments

The Italian Family

The Italian Family

Over the Summer we were hired to do set photography for a commercial that INSP was filming.  It was about a girl bringing her boyfriend home to meet her Italian family.  Long story short, after a nervous introduction, they end up bonding over the fact that they all love the show The Waltons.  Blake Edwards did an amazing job directing and it turned out wonderful.  All the actors were great to work with and played their “Italian Family” roles perfect!

Not only did we capture what was going on behind the scenes, but we also did promo shots at the end of the day.

Thanks to Blake Edwards & INSP for the fun opportunity to work on this project.





















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Posted by on Nov 8, 2013 in On Set Photography | 0 comments

Old Henry – An INSP film – Day 4

Old Henry – An INSP film – Day 4

This is it, the final day of our fun-filled experience on the set of Old Henry.  By Day 4 it felt like we were all family.  It was a wonderful close to our week together.

On this final day, a quaint little cupcake shop, Cupcrazed, was transformed into a cozy coffee shop.  These particular scenes in the coffee shop were very heart felt and gave a closer look at who each character was.  We loved watching the director, Thomas Torrey, pull that emotion from each actor throughout each take.  Then to see Ralph Waite and Rachel Hendrix take that direction and transform it into a beautiful scene was amazing.

Some great memories were in between scenes, during set changes, when Rachel got behind our camera and was capturing images of the crew.  She is not only a wonderful actress, but also a great photographer.  So, it was fun to relate to her on that level as well.

We couldn’t be more thankful for this amazing opportunity to work with such a fantastic team.  Friendships were made and memories were documented.

In closing, we also need to give a shout out to Chris Calnin, with Calnin Media for the amazing cinematography.  Thomas & Chris worked so well together to create a visually beautiful work of art.

That’s a wrap!

(If you missed Days 1-3, you can check them out here. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3)

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